
An Evening With Carol Weisman

Pictures from the event:

From left to right: Speaker Carol Weisman, Press Club President Alice Handelman, and Press Club board member Cynthia Frohlichstein, stand at "Speakers Who Write and Writers Who Speak" on July 19. Weisman spoke about how speakers could go from "free to fee."

Press Club members and friends enjoy the food and each other's company.

Carol Weisman was the featured speaker at "Speakers Who Write and Writers Who Speak" on July 19. She gave tips on how writers could receive compensation when they spoke about their publications.

Weisman has written several books and explained that besides speaking for a fee, writers could also encourage their audiences to buy books ahead of time and/or hold book signings afterward. Although the profit of writing a book is actually very small, this simple act could greatly increase one's earnings.