You are invited to attend
The St. Louis Press Club
60th Annual Meeting
Wednesday, December 14,
Starting at 6 p.m.
Alumni Restaurant
(in the historic Park Pacific building)
200 N. 13th Street, St. Louis 63103
Hear about “The Future of Public Broadcasting”
Tim Eby, St. Louis Public Radio General Manager
Enjoy a delicious buffet and two happy hour drinks
Grilled chicken breast topped with broccoli and roasted mushrooms in a basil cream sauce Grilled salmon with chipotle-maple glaze
Herbed & roasted potatoes and Sauteed vegetables
Socialize with friends and colleagues and share the evening’s agenda
Recap of the year’s highlights and foretaste of what to expect in 2017
Featured speaker: Tim Eby, “The Future of Public Broadcasting”
Election of our 2017-2019 board and Installation of 2017-2018 President,
William Greenblatt and introduction of 2017 officers
Presentation of our Catfish and President’s Awards
$25 for Press Club members and $35 for guests
Click Here for reservations by credit card.
By check to St. Louis Press Club, PO Box 410522, St. Louis, MO 63141
By phone 449-8029
Garage parking on 1200 Olive Street side
(Alumni validates 2 hours of garage parking)