Mid-East Area Agency on Aging Foundation

14535 Manchester Road
Manchester, MO 63011
Contact Mary E. Schaefer
636-207-0847, ext. 105
January 15, 2008
Manchester, MO -- The Mid-East Area Agency on Aging Foundation threw a party to honor its chair emeritus, Alice S. Handelman, at the home of the foundation's vice president, Liz Rice-Sosne, in the Central West End on Dec. 8.
The wine-and-cheese gathering celebrated Handelman's 10 years of outstanding service to the elderly as the founding chair and current board member of the MEAAA Foundation, which supports services for older adults in a four-county area.
The foundation is the 501(c)(3) fundraising partner of Mid-East Area Agency on Aging, a private, non-profit organization which provides services and information to older adults and their caregivers in the counties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Franklin and Jefferson. MEAAA's services include senior centers and Meals on Wheels.
Handelman led the foundation, formerly called Gateway Elder Services, through a period of growth and innovation. She was instrumental in starting a new service through MEAAA for low-income older adults, the Supply Bank for Senior Independence. The Supply Bank, which provides adult incontinence products and liquid nutritional supplements at no cost to seniors in need, is the only service of its kind in the St. Louis metro area.
Joining the festivities for a presentation of a plaque to Handelman was her husband, Howard Handelman; current MEAAA Foundation chair Stacy Tew-Lovasz; David Sosne; Judy and Phil Kaplan; Dan Bindler; Ken Langsdorf, Karen Handelman and Marc Hirshman with daughters Abby and Emily; Patty and Jonathan Bloom, with children Rebecca and Matthew; MEAAA Foundation Executive Director Mary E. Schaefer; MEAAA Planning Director John Gamache; MEAAA Foundation board members Michelle Mixon, Phyllis Langsdorf, Lynn Davis, Al Ukman, Ron Present, Barbara Bindler and Laura Hobson; Marilyn and Ed Olschansky; and MEAAA Foundation advisory council member Ellen Livingston.
Caption information: Joining the celebration to honor Alice Handelman's 10 years of service to seniors as a co-founder and member of the board of the Mid-East Area Agency on Aging Foundation were: (seated, from left) MEAAA Foundation Vice President Liz Rice-Sosne; Handelman; Secretary Al Ukman. (Standing, from left) MEAAA Planning Director John Gamache; board member Laura Hobson, Treasurer Ron Present, board members Lynn Davis (with daughter Keegan) and Barbara Bindler; Executive Director Mary E. Schaefer; board member Phyllis Langsdorf; President Stacy Tew-Lovasz; board member Michelle Mixon.