Verna Green Smith Honored by Press Club
Event Recap:

Verna Green Smith, PhD, was honored with a Woman of Valor award by Alice S. Handelman, president of the Press Club of Metropolitan St. Louis, for Verna’s lifetime of service to the club and her 16 years of membership on its Board of Directors at a luncheon Feb. 5th at the Seven Gables Inn in Clayton. Those toasting Smith for her exceptional dedication to the club were Robert A. Cohn, chairman of the board and past-president; Dorothy Weiner, past-president; and Jeane N. Jae, past-president.
The day was freezing cold, but the congratulations of those gathered to honor Verna, along with the elegance of the candlelit room, the gracious hospitality of the Seven Gables staff, and the delicious luncheon made it a warm and joyful occasion. Special thanks go to Joan Quicksilver for arranging this important affair and to Lynne Sandler, general manager, for her excellent supervision of the luncheon.
Standing from left to right: Rick Stoff, Bob Cohn,
Alice S. Handelman, Verna Green Smith, Dorothy Weiner,
and Jeane Jae, seated Joan Quicksilver.